Thursday, July 19, 2012

On to the Kitchen!: Kitchen Cabinet Makeover

After several months of organizing and decluttering Cindy and Greg's house, Cindy was ready to tackle the kitchen. For a family of five, the kitchen is by far the most active room of the house, where food, parties, birthdays and holidays commence. Each week, our goal has been to tackle a section of the kitchen, since it is pretty large with A LOT of cabinet space (Again, something that I sorely miss living in New York). So we began with this cabinet area below. Without a single purpose, this area of the kitchen was home to dog food, supplies, spices, pot and pans, old appliances, flower vases, you name it. But it had potential: cute open-face cabinets, above-cabinet storage space, counter space, and a wine rack below. 

The new purpose for these cabinets would be to house baking dishes, and decorative dishes. It would also house dog supplies on the bottom right, so that they would all be near each other. This is practical because these cabinets are further from the stove, so there was no need to store everyday things here except for dog food and supplies. A major change was coming up with a solution for doggie insulin shots. We later agreed to use an old coffee can so that it didn't look out of place on the counter top or even in the cabinet. Some other ideas we came up with are Clorox Wipes plastic containers and baby wipes boxes.

Most of the items stored in these cabinets were old, expired or multiples of things, so most of them were recycled or thrown out. There was significantly more space for dishes and decorative dishes! And we narrowed down the spices to about 10 bottles.

Once the open-faced cabinets were cleared out, this was all that was left! They are now used to store coffee mugs and decorative dishes. But the cabinets still looked unfinished. I suggested an idea that I saw on Pinterest that was reposted on Let the creative juices flow! These cabinets have radiator covers instead of glass! I thought it would match the eclectic, homey feel of the house and the kitchen. We went to Home Depot and picked out a sheet of this radiator cover along with a can of silver spray paint, wood glue and wire snips.

All we had to do was cut the sheet to fit each cabinet! It was actually pretty simple! Our next goal was the pantry! That'll be in another blog post this week. Over and out!

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