Thursday, May 31, 2012

Before and Progress: Linen Closet

As you may have seen in my previous post, I've been helping de-clutter and organize someone's house! It's been really exciting....embarrassingly so. I never realized how excited I was to go to the Container Store. It was more exciting than Disney or a pet store. I bought this belt that hangs your purses on the back of a door! What what?!

So here's the linen closet! It's still in progress but we definitely went through all of the bedsheets and cleared out some clutter! You'd be surprised at how much space you can create by just keeping on top of expired or broken things. Check out the pictures!

So as you can see--lot of goodies! The damage was two contractor bags of throw-aways and another two bags of donated bed sheets. We relocated bedsheets to be in or near the rooms where they belonged. Since there are two queen beds, a full and a twin, there was no need to have all of those bed sheets in one closet. The twin bedsheets were placed in the dresser of the bed room that we cleared, and some nice sheets went to the master bed room.

We put temporary stickers to label where bed sheets go. Since there are so many people doing laundry, it's important for everyone to be clear on where items are being placed. Once it becomes clear, the stickers are coming off. We even saved some sentimental kids bed sheets.

So as of now, we have a row for towels, for bedsheets, and some photo boxes/scrapbooking materials.

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